Increase your Blog Traffic

Increase your Blog Traffic

Increas eyour blog trafficIncreasing your blog Traffic is one of the most important factor of successful blogging.Increasing your blog traffic means bringing a bulk of traffic to your blog.If your blog`s traffic is greater in number (i.e. 500+ visitors per day) your blog has more possibilities to get a good Alexa Rank.I`ll write a post on how to make a good Alexa rank later.So, Let`s Start..

Getting working Proxies computer networks, a proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application) that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers. You need some Good Working Proxies for this.Click here For the list of Proxies.Save them as a #.txt File.

 Getting referral links

Referral link is a sign-up link that is assigned to you when you sign up on a freebie site, that you give to other individuals to refer them.Copy and Paste the following links in a txt file.Leave one line Space between each link.

Downloading the Bot

Yes,we are using Bot to get traffic.But this traffic is real.
Click on the button Below


open in new tab

Mediafire link

Setting Up of Bot

Bot imageEnter your blog`s URL in the First field.For e.g. Put number of threads = 6. Now fill the number of Visitors you want on your Site (i.e. 100). For Proxy list Choose the file in which you have the Proxies. For Referral  list Choose the file in which you have been save the referrals.Click on Run.And wait for the bot to complete his magic.

Last words...

If you need any help leave a reply in online chat help box....


Hello, I'm just a small but a good blogger eager to help the newbies over blogging world. I love blogging because it taught me many things and also gave me my life i.e. Programming.